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Women's Rowing Crew, don't call them old.

Lake Union Crew on the west side of Lake Union in Seattle is home to all ages and all levels of rowers. The women's H-Boat was featured April 5, 2024 by writer Sandi Doughton.

Lake Union Crew will be attending the May 19th Women's Outdoor Connection in Seattle. This is your chance to meet some of the coaches and learn about what LUC does. They are recognized as one of the premier adult rowing clubs in the US. They have programs for beginners, former rowers and masters.

Here's a link to the Seattle Times Article.

If you want a deep dive into the categories, here's the list from Wikipedia.


  • L, LWT or Lt: Lightweight rowing

  • If not present the crew is open weight


  • J: Junior(Under 19 years of age)

  • B: Senior B (Under 23 years of age)

Masters: over 27, includes a letter designation for the average age of the crew:

  • A – 27 years of age and older

  • B – 36 years of age and older

  • C – 43 years of age and older

  • D – 50 years of age and older

  • E – 55 years of age and older

  • F – 60 years of age and older

  • G – 65 years of age and older

  • H – 70 years of age and older

  • I – 75 years of age and older

  • J – 80 years of age and older

If none of these abbreviations are present the crew is Senior A.

These age categories are effectively common to both FISA (Bye-Law to Rule 27) and USRowing (Rule 4–104) rules. USRowing also designates a AA category for ages 21–26, and defines Masters as over 21 rather than 27.[1][2]

There are no age restrictions for coxswains and their age is not factored into the average age of the crew.[1][2]


  • M: Men's

  • W: Women's

Mixed: Equal numbers of either gender (excluding coxswain)

Crew Size

1, 2, 4, 8: The number of rowers in the crew. It is common to use Roman numerals, especially when referring to a VIII.


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